15 Oct 2010

Mango bag

I went chopping last Wednesday with a friend.

 "Mon Plus Joli Pull" from Promod and an owl necklace from Jutka & Ritska.

What I've bought :

Military jacket Vero Moda

Cardigan from Think Twice (Vintage)

Skirt from Think Twice (vintage)

And then, the actual reason for going to Antwerp: Getting the Mango bag! If you voted here (You still can vote!) You get a voucher for this Mango bag :D For free! Only in the Belgian stores!
 Check the leather and the wool, it's so trendy!
This is how I would combine it:

 Love, Siel


  1. The military jacket is really great! xxx

  2. Loved everything you bought! So cool!

    Camila F.

  3. Cute purchases, I love the owl necklace :)


  4. Dat jasje is inderdaad cool. Maar de foto's zijn zoals altijd weer gorgeous. Hihi, ik vind het altijd leuk om foto's van jullie te zien. Jullie hebben altijd zulke leuke dingen aan. Liefs, xxx

  5. I am soooo in love with the mango bag, please can you tell me if I can buy it somewhere on internet. I'm begging you! I want the bag so badly =(

  6. I can't respond on your link so I'll answer here;

    I'm afraid it was a temporary action where you could get it for free with a voucher. So I don't think you can get it anywhere.
    But if it might help, my bag ripped a few months ago. So the quality wasn't that good :/

    Grtz Siel


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