21 Jan 2011

A flowered pair

When Ruby and I went to the H&M last Wednesday we saw this amaaaaazing flowerd pair. We both can't get them out of our head! And Ruby admitted she went to the H&M at her place to see if they where there too xD (They weren't) But she will get them.
I'm not going to buy them (altough I love love love them) since I still have some height complexes.

But I saw another pair in my eye corner. Also gorgeous! I'm thinking about buying these ones :)
They're also from H&M.
And no I'm not pregnant! I'm just showing the shoes to you ;)


  1. they are beautifuuuul!!! my fav: 1st pair with the flower print gosh :) *

  2. Oh ziet er goed uit!

    En haha die laatste opmerking over het zwanger zijn :P

  3. so amazing! they have the same shoes in each colours. i would prefer the green or red ones:)

  4. Oeeh, sommige dingen van de H&M zijn gewoon te mooi. Ik wil het allemaal. Ik ga binnenkort wel even weer wat dingen bestellen.
    Liefs, xxx


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