16 May 2012

The scary part

It's time for our annual family trip to les Ardennes. The whole family is here now, united for a week.
Sunday evening we arrived. It was already dark outside and it felt like I was entering a haunted castle and Dracula was waiting for us or something like that.
We entered through a barely visible gateway, followed a bumpy road over a little bridge to the house.
While parking the car, I watched aside and noticed an ancient looking doll, staring out of the window. Scary...
All quit impressive thus.
And I didn't even told you about the attic...

The other day when I was studying in the seat, I turned my head to the right without thinking. Suddenly I saw two eyes looking at me, right in the gap between the two closed curtains. You could say I moved quit fast to another room afterwards.


  1. Super post J'aime les photos!
    Angela Donava

  2. those dolls are seriously creepy

  3. You made me laugh! I grew up in an old house that I thought might have poltergeists. That house looks very interesting. I like the architecture and the stonework. The porcelain doll is a beauty too. I'll bet it's collectable. The way you described it though made me think of all the scary horror movies with haunted houses and the one with that awful doll "Chuckie" that comes to life. I'm still giggling a little, I hope you enjoy the rest of your family stay at les Ardennes and have nice soothing dreams. :-)

  4. Haha, wat eng. Ik heb ook zo'n mooie pop van mijn oma gekregen, maar die staat laag in mijn kamer zodat ze naar de grond kijkt. :) Eerder stond ze op mn kast zodat ze me in bed aankeek, maar daar kon ze toch niet balanceren!

  5. ahahhahahah but the scary part is actually funny!! <3 <3


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