To me personally, fashion is about combining your clothes in an original way. I don't like constantly buying new stuff, I will never be a shopaholic, and I have no problem with saving money. I'm the type that likes to invest in quality, quality above quantity. Aside from bargains of course.
Do you know that feeling that you have nothing to wear? Everyone has had that feeling at least once. I don't have it that often, but I absolutely hate the opposite! When you can't decide what to wear because there is too much choice, you can't choose! Then I imagine those huge celebrity walk in closets, some of their items are only worn once, or maybe never.. That's such a pity, combining items that challenge you is the best part of fashion!
skirt en blouse vintage (Think Twice), cardigan WE, boots Mano
Sometimes combing can work out quite similar, and sometimes completely different.