26 Mar 2013

Tropical powers

H&M for Water 2012

Have you noticed those tropical prints emerging everywhere? I think it sort of started with last year's H&M for water collection, (and remember Versace for H&M?) but now it's definitely making a break through. And I don't mind it at all! Last year I was unfortunately too late to grab such awesome H&M for water shirt, but now I'm getting a second chance. Some people will say that you'll look like an American tourist with an Hawaiian shirt, but I think we should give it a chance. Those busy tropical prints look great with white or jeans and perhaps even a straw hat? Or more exiting combinations will do too.

Would you wear it?

Tropical appearings on blogs:

(sources: click on the pics)


  1. Those tropical prints are gorgeous! I love every single one of them in the photos above including the H&M for Water 2012 collection. The photo with all the real looking flowers in it is amazing.

  2. wow))
    adorable pics!!
    great look )

    Angela Donava

  3. Whoehaa...what a nice pants on the second pic! :)

  4. Dat bloesje in die tweede foto is echt superleuk! Ik moet duidelijk eens langs de H&M, de trend is toch wel tof :) (en ik heb echt teveel prints in mijn kleerkast hangen)


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