8 Mar 2013

Chocolate chip cookie dough topped with banana cream

Today I went to Julie's House with my university buddies. Julie's House is a self called cupcake store in Ghent, that serves the best pies in my opinion! Every time I come there I think about dragging Ruby to see this place, she would totally love it! Though there might be a risk of losing her for ever, she might get overly attached to this tea time loving place.

lace midi skirt from River Island, my mum's earrings from when she was young

It was hard to choose between the Apple brown sugar cake and Chocolate banana pie, but as you can see, I opted for the last one. And though it weirdly looks as yellow as curie, it tasted deliciously like banana! With a hint of chocolate. Mmmmmmmmmmmm
For a drink I choose the Sweet Love tea by Kusmi, also highly recommended. Certainly if you fell miserable whole week like me, after suffering of a bad cold!

Oh and I went to the hair dresser the day before! Nothing special, just cutting the dead ends and layering a little bit. The main reason why it looks so different is because it's almost a middle parting and it's very straight. But it won't last. As soon as I wash it, it will be normal again, like three post below. I kinda liked this, but I don't mind having my own more curly/nonchalant hair style again!

Tomorrow will be a busy day, filled with music school activities and hopefully some redying my hair!
See you seen!



  1. Wat een gezellig plekje om lekker iets te eten! Moet ik zeker eens gaan bezoeken als ik nog eens in Gent kom :) Leuke servies, en je haar ziet er wel leuk uit recht, maar ik ken het gevoel, niet boven krullen :D

  2. Leuk!
    Ik was er vorige week maar dan gewoon om iets te halen want er was geen plaats.
    Uw haar ziet er leuk uit!

  3. oh la la it seems like it's super delicious <3 yummmiii!!

  4. Your hair looks beautiful. Your hairdresser did a nice job with the touch-up dead ends removal and bit of layering. It will be fun seeing how it looks in upcoming posts. The print/embroidery ? of your skirt looks pretty.
    I agree, if Ruby joined you for tea and pies at Julie's House I suspect she would love it. Those home-made pies sound and look delicious! I see they serve breakfast :) I'll bet those homemade cupcakes are yummy with their tea too.

    P.S.: Thank you for your comment on my previous blog post! I just did a new one two days ago at

  5. This looks like a fun place to visit - the cake certainly looks really yellow - but great that it was tasty. I love banana flavoured things :)

  6. Ik ben daar dus nog nooit geweest. Schandalig feitelijk, want Julies House is een cupcake legende! x


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